2023: BigTime Wallet Redesign


BigTime Software’s Wallet feature is a payment processing and invoice creation platform that integrates with common accounting systems. As BigTime’s Senior UX Designer, I redesigned the Wallet experience with the task of improving users ability to complete the Wallet application form with little or no assistance from a support team member. There was also a need to add new form fields, update requirements for completion, outline next steps for users, and design an application for Canadian members.


Time was limited, and the research conducted for this redesign was also limited. I spoke with many internal stakeholders, including account managers and support team members for insight into client’s challenges with the previous experience. Product management and senior leadership weighed in heavily on the final experience.


There were particular design challenges with this feature, including being limited to design in a small frame on the screen due to integrations embedded in the platform, and the lack of feedback from users.

Several new design elements were introduced with this redesign, including a status bar showing completion, the ability to expand and collapse large sections of information, and a step-by-step design that users could navigate more easily. I designed wireframes and a clickable prototype using Figma.


The number of support requests and customers requiring assistance to complete the application form decreased significantly, and saved time for account managers. There were more successful form applications, and more satisfied customers.  


2022: Projector PSA Resource Scheduling Research & Redesign