2017-18: Startup Experience with SHR


In 2017, and with just one year of professional UX Design experience, I worked closely with two friends and fellow tech colleagues on the Social Health Registry. SHR was a startup web application that allowed registered users to upload their STD/STI test results, have them verified, and share their status and profile with potential partners in a secure and private network. The goal was to positively influence consenting adults to take responsibility of their sexual health, get tested, be the driving force behind more open conversations with sexual partners, and mitigate the spread of STD/STIs. #beSHR

During my time at SHR, I worked closely with the founders, and my role and responsibilities included product management, UX design, quality assurance testing, and project management in collaboration with our team of engineers located in Kiev, Ukraine.

Google’s StartUp Grind Global Conference

In 2018, we visited Silicon Valley to participate in StartUp Grind. We met with potential investors and spoke with other tech entrepreneurs and enthusiasts who visited our booth for free condoms and a preview of the digital platform I had designed. SHR was selected as a Top 20 startup out of 130 participants.


2019: Starfish User Personas Research